Are you struggling to get what you really want?
Do you have specific goals in your life that you aren’t accomplishing?

I know you have wants and needs you’re trying to make happen, yet they aren’t happening fast enough or maybe not at all! 

You may even feel like you’re getting left out as you see others getting what they want. (Some call it FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out!)

So what can you do about it? 

I’m excited to share with you my Creation Statement™ Journal…the tool that makes it all happen. 

This tool along with my 25 year proven method called the Creation Statement Method™ is a sure fire way to help you turn things around.
Here's what I know: 
The problem is, you just don’t have the “how to” necessary to produce the results in all the areas of your life that are not working.

The Creation Statement Journal and my unique method shows you how to use words, thoughts and visualizations to form your intentions and desires to get what you want.

There are no limits to what you can get, accomplish and have when you just know the right steps.  
I’ve taken what I’ve learned and have proven with 1000’s of our clients, put it into a beautiful journal that allows you to document what you desire, make note of the amazing miracles along the way and systematically get what you want out of life.

As a special bonus, I’m going to walk you through the exact steps to effectively use the journal with my Creation Statement Method™ training (valued at $197).

It’s a simple yet powerful method and WOW… this sucker works! 
What You Get For Just $67!
  •    A stunning hardcover, 240+ page, easy-to-open ring bound journal that will guide you daily in creating a new mindset and getting more of what you want out of life.
  •    A useful tool to keep you on track, focused and in the flow of your creations and goals.
  •    Monthly goal-setting pages that keeps your focus on prioritized objectives.

BONUS: Creation Statement Method™ Video Training (value $197)
  •  3 Training videos that appeal to specific issues, such as relationship struggles, money problems, debt, and career challenges, to name a few. 
  •  Lessons on what Creation Statements are all about, why they work, how they work and what to do to implement them in your daily routine.
  •  The 12 rules that must be followed to effectively make things happen in your life the way you want them to, not the way you don’t!
  •  Exclusive insider access to one of my recorded classroom environments. You’ll see me working with people just like you as they learn to apply the Creation Statement Method. 
Finally, get what you really want out of life!
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
"I have found Belanie Dishong's Creation Statement Training for application of the 12 Rules for Mindset Transformation generates an optimistic and focused frame of mind. And sometimes, astonishingly swift results unfold to my delight!"

Christina Weppner 
Entrepreneur & Registered Architect
New York, NY
Any friends or family you think could benefit?  Share: 
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